1·The first main COBOL program performs the standard CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete), operations set, acting on a single record.
2·A Contribution 'originates' from a Contributor if it was added to the Program by such Contributor itself or anyone acting on such Contributor's behalf.
3·Purify lets you see the more insidious kinds of memory errors that can occur even when the program seems to be acting normally.
4·And in the end, they, acting more as artists than engineers, fine-tuned the program.
5·This is why we have not made a general program acting as lawcourt judges, schoolteachers or hospital doctors so far.
6·Thedifferential equation of static force acting on BHA and the computer program to deal with subject mentioned above have been developed.
7·Using ADAMS/FEA module, acting force calculated by ADAMS software program is input FEA program according to load working state.
8·According to the present Chinese criteria, the authors have completed a program for calculating and checking the forces acting on containers on deck and their securing devices.
9·This paper emphasizes some digital-filtering algorithms in a microchip system, and also illustrates the program applied in this quick acting formaldehyde monitoring device.